$148.50 USD

Every 6 months

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Equipping ELLs Tier 3 (6 mos)

What you'll get:

Our signature PD Platform: Pathways to Proficiency

✔︎ Pathway 1: I'm Not Really Sure What ESL Is- What do I do?

  • Video 1: What is ESL and Why Does it Matter?
  • Video 2: Who are the Language Learners in Your Classroom?
  • Video 3: Confronting Your Bias and Growing in Understanding
  • Video 4: Busting Myths and Assumptions of ELLs
  • Video 5: Common Terms and Acronyms You Need to Know
  • Video 6: The Unspoken Struggles of ELLs
  • Video 7: Language Models and Their Implications
  • Video 8: Language Acquisition Levels

✔︎  Pathway 2: I'm Getting a Newcomer Tomorrow- What Do I Do?

  • Video 1: Preparing for your new student
  • Video 2: Step by Step on Your First Day
  • Video 3; Why Pronouncing Your Students' Name Correctly Matters
  • Video 4: Connect with Newcomers Through Intentional Conversations
  • Video 5: How Can I Teach Them if I don't Speak Their Language?
  • Video 6: Culturally Responsive Teaching
  • Video 7: Affective Filter: What it is and why it matters
  • Video 8: Knowing Another Language is a Superpower

✔︎ Pathway 3: I don't know how to use assessment driven instruction- what do I do?

  • Video 1: Week 1-2: Initial Assessment of your ELLs
  • Video 2: Week 3: Understanding your ELLs Proficiency
  • Video 3: Week 4 and Beyond: Building Student Proficiency Using Can-Do Descriptors
  • Video 4: Going Deeper with Proficiency Level Descriptors
  • Video 5: Setting Goals and Progress Monitoring

More pathways will be added throughout the year based off what you need and want to learn! 


The Empowered Educator Community Group 

✔︎  Connect with over 2,000 passionate educators

✔︎  3 live trainings available each month

✔︎  Private Facebook Group to daily post questions, get feedback, and interact with other passionate educators! 

✔︎  Training on setting up the routines in your classroom to use month after month

You'll Gain Access to the Resources Below for EVERY Month of the School Year!

✔︎  4 weeks of newcomer activities that you can print and teach- even if you have no prior experience teaching newcomers.

✔︎  20 Speaking and writing cards with seasonal and everyday vocabulary

✔︎  12 close reading passages along with 36 differentiated writing passages on seasonal and everyday topics

✔︎ 1 monthly differentiated read aloud prepped with activities to cover all 4 domains that can easily be used for emergency sub plans.

✔︎  1 fun seasonal activity to promote language learning and vocabulary

When you set up these routines and use these 5 resources each month, you'll see how your students will thrive when they know what to expect and you'll save time when you know what to teach.


✔︎  Quarterly Guides set up for K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12 with language goals, can do descriptors, and the resources for both level 1/2 and level 3/4 students.

✔︎  Monthly lessons for newcomers and intermediate with all the resources ready to click, print, and teach.

✔︎  17 different Teacher Tools ranging from ESL Classroom Decor to Student Snapshot Templates- you will have everything you need!

✔︎  5 different assessment for easy language proficiency check-ins and progress monitoring

✔︎  1 yearlong curriculum for younger ELL newcomers that includes 28 weeks of materials, 28 digital centers + Google form Pre/Post Assessments for easy monitoring

✔︎  40 listening activities activities for beginner, intermediate, and advanced ELLs

✔︎  240 Daily speaking and writing activities

✔︎  10 Units for Beginner Conversation and Flashcards

✔︎  144 Close Reading Passages for New Readers + 432 Differentiated Writing Passages that align with the close reading

✔︎  48 Readers By Skill Reading Passages + (more being added soon) that covers skills like main idea and detail, sequencing and more.

✔︎  20 Close Reading Paired Passages for Intermediate ELLs

✔︎  10 Writing Units for foundational writing skills at all levels of ELLs

✔︎  24 Differentiated Diverse Read Alouds including lessons that cover all 4 domains.

✔︎  8 Scaffolded Content Units for K-2 (CCSS + NGSS Aligned)

✔︎  5 Scaffolded Content Units for 3-5 (CCSS + NGSS Aligned)

✔︎  4 Content Units for Grades 6-12

✔︎  14 ACCESS Test Prep Activities

✔︎  17+ Multilingual Picture Dictionaries

✔︎  18+ Seasonal Activities so you are always prepared for any holiday or season that is being celebrated!

✔︎  Science of Reading Activities with visual and audio supports

✔︎  130 Phonics Mats

✔︎  8 Units of High Frequency Word Activities

✔︎  120 Phonological Awareness Daily Warm Up Slides

✔︎  6 units of Culturally Diverse Decodable Readers

✔︎  30 Independent Phonemic Awareness Intervention Workbooks

✔︎  20+ Games for a variety of grammar + vocabulary

✔︎  Novel Studies Scaffolded Template to use with ANY novel.

PLUS More that is being created right now, added at no additional cost!  

Gain access to our most comprehensive membership tailored to address your biggest challenges in teaching English Language Learners.