Training + Community
What you'll get:
Our signature PD Platform: Pathways to Proficiency
✔︎ Pathway 1: I'm Not Really Sure What ESL Is- What do I do?
- Video 1: What is ESL and Why Does it Matter?
- Video 2: Who are the Language Learners in Your Classroom?
- Video 3: Confronting Your Bias and Growing in Understanding
- Video 4: Busting Myths and Assumptions of ELLs
- Video 5: Common Terms and Acronyms You Need to Know
- Video 6: The Unspoken Struggles of ELLs
- Video 7: Language Models and Their Implications
- Video 8: Language Acquisition Levels
✔︎ Pathway 2: I'm Getting a Newcomer Tomorrow- What Do I Do?
- Video 1: Preparing for your new student
- Video 2: Step by Step on Your First Day
- Video 3; Why Pronouncing Your Students' Name Correctly Matters
- Video 4: Connect with Newcomers Through Intentional Conversations
- Video 5: How Can I Teach Them if I don't Speak Their Language?
- Video 6: Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Video 7: Affective Filter: What it is and why it matters
- Video 8: Knowing Another Language is a Superpower
✔︎ Pathway 3: I don't know how to use assessment driven instruction- what do I do?
- Video 1: Week 1-2: Initial Assessment of your ELLs
- Video 2: Week 3: Understanding your ELLs Proficiency
- Video 3: Week 4 and Beyond: Building Student Proficiency Using Can-Do Descriptors
- Video 4: Going Deeper with Proficiency Level Descriptors
- Video 5: Setting Goals and Progress Monitoring
More pathways will be added throughout the year based off what you need and want to learn!
The Empowered Educator Community Group
✔︎ Connect with over 2,000 passionate educators
✔︎ 3 live trainings available each month
✔︎ Private Facebook Group to daily post questions, get feedback, and interact with other passionate educators!
✔︎ Training on setting up the routines in your classroom to use month after month
Gain access to our comprehensive online PD platform, featuring a dynamic array of trainings tailored to address your biggest challenges in teaching English Language Learners.